Protect the ones you love!

How to drive safely with your dog aka "furry kid" (part 2)

car harness high tensile harness

How to drive safely with your dog aka "furry kid" (part 2)

We love our pets, so we take them with us in a car on short trips and even on long vacation drive. Here are some important ways to be better prepared and avoid or deal with an accident. According to CNN “Rethink your dog roaming freely” article, “All pets should wear collars and identification tags, particularly during car rides.” First, keep a printed record of your pet's name and even a photo in the car whenever you travel. That can help first-responders render aid or conduct a search in the event that you're unable to after a crash. Include vaccination...

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How to measure and select best harness for small to medium size dog

dog harness dog seat belt pet car safety

How to measure and select best harness for small to medium size dog

MUST HAVE... When you select a harness for your pet, the size, style and purpose are important. All dogs are not the same: they have different shapes, sizes and daily activities. Please read each harness' description and measure your pup properly to pick the best harness. There are more type of harnesses on our website. Here is the link: TRAITS harnesses Car seat belts are essential for you and your dog's safety when riding any vehicle. You can purchase these seat belts in many colors here: TRAITS seat belts You and your loved ones can face danger when riding in a vehicle...

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Protect the ones you love! Pet car safety - Part 1.

dog seat belt harness safety

Protect the ones you love! Pet car safety - Part 1.

Protect the ones you love!Have you ever considered how many pets die and get injured in car accidents? We wear seat belts and our kids have car seats, but what about our pets?Throughout history, people everywhere have loved their animal companions. Egyptian were revered their animals - especially cats - as gods! At first, animals simply walked with us, or perhaps rode with us in a cart or a boat. Safe and slow.With the industrial revolution came autos, trucks, trains, and airplanes. We all want to get there faster, but with speed, danger while traveling increased exponentially. To protect people...

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The story of a little black kitten who found a home

black cat cute kitten rescued

The story of a little black kitten who found a home

Once upon a … fall day this year a young couple spotted a tiny wet and cold, a couple of weeks young black kitten on a cold street.   The kitten was barely alive. The couple decided to bring the youngster home till they decide - animal shelter or? A girl fed him warm milk. A guy wrapped him in a lot of warm towels. The young couple was worried. The kitten showed very little improvement. He was fed many times a day and watched all the time. Every day they grew very close to this little critter. One and...

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